Fee: $244/ 2 years
CME Requirements: 20 CME credits during prior two year period.
Applicants must complete the ABWH re-certification form and submit required documents to applications@abwh.net a minimum of 5 business days prior to certification expiration date.
The re-certification application must include receipt of payment, proof of CMEs, proof of category 1 or 2 credits, and letter of good standing/active status on company letter head.
CME Requirements:
A minimum of 20 CME credits are required to re-certify. Submit 10 CMEs; 5 of these credits must be directly related to the practice of Hyperbaric medicine. 10 credits from category 1 or 2, including but not limited too active involvement in formal teaching / research of HBOT to physicians, staff, out of hospital personnel or public, reviewer / editor for recognized journal, listed author of published scientific article / text book, attendance of professional conference, service to ACHM, active involvement in Hyperbaric administration, active involvement in committees of UHMS, etc. Applicants who are not actively practicing but meet requirements are still eligible.
Failure to re-certify:
Applicants who fail to re-certify while holding an active ABWH designation with incure a $50.00 penatly fee, which will be added to their re-certification fee. ABWH will allow a 6 month grace period for applicants who fail to recertify within their 2 year period. If the applicant does not recertify within the 6 month grace period, they will lose the designation and will need to start the application process over. These applicants will need to re-take the ABWH examination.