Why Certify?
Certification is the clinician’s professional mark of achievement and more importantly a seal of quality care for the public and patients. It guarantees that you know what is expected of you.

Physician Certification in Hyperbaric Medicine
This exam is available to all MD & DO physicians. All candidates must:
- Have an active valid US physician medical license
- Have attained a primary board certification in an ABMS approved specialty
- Provide verification of supervision of a minimum of 300 hyperbaric patient treatments within the prior 2 years
- Have attended a primary training program approved by either the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, the US Department of Defense, or completed an approved hyperbaric fellowship
- Provide a letter of Verification from program Medical Director or hospital administrator documenting good standing and active status of professional credentialing
- Have an active membership in good standing with the ACHM

Physician Certification in Wound Care
This exam is available to all physicians (MD, DO, DPM). The physician must:
- Have a current State Medical License
- Provide verification of a minimum of two years clinical experience in wound care
- Provide verification of completion of at least 20 hours of wound care based continuing medical education credit
- Provide documentation of membership in a professional wound care society (Optional- Members of the APWCA can qualify for fellow status)

Certified Hyperbaric and Wound Specialist
Prior to applying for certification the candidate must have met the following requirements:
- A minimum of two years of experience in a hospital setting or outpatient facility as a Hyperbaric Technician with cross training as a Wound Care Assistant or equivalent clinical position
- A minimum of 500 hours of clinical experience per year for the prior 2 years, with time shared between hyperbaric chamber operations and actual participation in wound related patient care and management (at least 25% of time must be dedicated to wound care)
- Completion of a 40-hour introductory hyperbaric medicine course or 40-hour primary training program approved by either the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, or the US Department of Defense
- Completion of Core Competencies in Hyperbaric Therapy and Wound Care, verified and endorsed by your employer, Medical Director or Program Manager validating your clinical experience detailed in the Core Competency Checklists

Certified Hyperbaric Specialist
Prior to applying for certification the candidate must have met the following requirements:
- A minimum of 500 hours of clinical hyperbaric training and active practice experience per year for the prior 2 years, successfully completing a Hyperbaric Technician Preceptorship in a hospital setting or outpatient facility.
- Completion of a 40-hour introductory hyperbaric medicine course or 40-hour primary training program approved by either the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, or the US Department of Defense
- Completion of Core Competencies in Hyperbaric Therapy, verified and endorsed by your employer, Medical Director or Program Manager validating your clinical experience detailed in the Core Competency Checklists

Certified Skin & Wound Specialist
Prior to applying for certification the candidate must have met the following requirements:
- A minimum of two years of experience in a hospital setting or outpatient facility with training as a Wound Care Assistant or equivalent clinical position
- A minimum of 200 hours of clinical wound care training and active practice experience per year for the prior 2 years
- Copy of Certificate of Completion of 12 CME/CEU Wound Care Credits
- Completion of Core Competencies in Wound Care, verified and endorsed by your employer, Medical Director or Program Manager validating your clinical experience detailed in the Core Competency Checklists